Any custom Input set ups or plugins


You inspired me. I went through an idea and came up with something that I think is pretty much spot on for what I was looking to do…the design could be better but the functionality is there.


It required some one custom state and a few conditional workflows. Had to put some conditionals to include more than one or have a conditional on the workflow event to avoid some animation issues.

Here are screen shots…one thing to keep in mind when looking at the screen shots is the conditional workflow actions do not allow you to use “input is focused” or “input isn’t focused”; to be able to get those expressions need to make the expression in a condition on the input and then copy and paste it into the workflow action

Besides that one confusing thing might have been my choice of custom state name ( it is input_is_focused )

Screen Shot 2020-01-03 at 9.46.45 PM

Screen Shot 2020-01-03 at 9.47.07 PM Screen Shot 2020-01-03 at 9.47.22 PM

Now I need to figure out how to get drop downs to function the same way and then redo all my forms…I don’t know if bubble caused me to have OCD or it just brings it out of me, but its a problem.