Changes to our free plan

@renatoasse what do you think about that?

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It’s fair, definitively. The first paid plan is not so expensive with regards to all features available.

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@emmanuel while i realise what you’re trying to achieve, but this may be the wrong way to do so and will quickly damage bubble’s prospects, esp with stiff competition coming up.

Talking from personal experience - A better alternative might be to provide people startup style deals - ie ample full functionality and credit for a decent but limited span of time ( $500 - $1000 for a 6-12 month period), enough to get their app / business started so that they can pay. Additionally you should also introduce a generous plan at a small tier that people wont think twice about, say $5 - to act as a warmup plan and get people to start paying.

For eg - I started off with hobby plan initially, loved its capabilities, esp the API & then switched to credits. Now, will definitely switch to paid as soon as I’m making money.

But without the credit and hobby tier with free API, I wouldn’t even have considered bubble to begin with and you would’ve lost me as a prospective customer. I fear this is what will now happen to many future prospective customers.


Hey folks, we really appreciate all the feedback in this thread! A quick clarification: the Free plan does still allow your application to use the API Connector, so you can still build out links with other services. The thing you do not have access to is the Bubble API endpoints – that’s your scheduled workflows and Bubble data modifications.


So, Hobby apps that I am currently working on can still integrate APIs without paying right?

Eu simplesmente achei esta ideia ótima. Na verdade eu iria propor a mesma coisa, mas você enriqueceu de detalhes, por isso ficou muito bom. Aqui no Brasil $29 é um alto valor para muitas pessoas. Então se houvesse um plano de menor valor, haveria um ganho em escala substancial, pois tenho certeza que teriam muitas adesões.


Love how the founder himself isn’t american but all changes are Dollar-centric. Love to see the analytics of where bubblers live, too. Anyone reading this, before saying “its fair”, you could say “I make $30 an hour, thats fair for me”. Meanwhile, I just released a new bubble course in Brazilian portuguese, with plans to do a spanish version. The “fairest” plan costs $29 and the minimum wage in my country is about $ 200 (pandemic didnt help). I know you guys have nothing to do with my s***holer situation, but its not just me, I’m currently posting ads that brings clients for you too. yeah they convert less, we are poor. We sincerely need a $10 plan here (54 BRL). A hostgator plan is about 28 BRL (best comparison I could find).

Brasileiros y latinos lendo isto, cadê vocês?


Definitely makes sense to start getting users to convert. That being said I would agree with some of the other users here about bringing down price tiers to make it more accessible for first timers and small businesses (grow with you approach).

I’ve wanted to port over a couple of websites and build them in bubble but the $30 a month tier is too expensive (for several personal projects).

I think an in between price ($10/mo) would make it more feasible to make Bubble the go-to platform for every site/app.

Anyway, thanks for keeping the community informed and engaged @emmanuel


@emmanuel ,

I think this is a great move, as it will allow Bubble to increase it’s profitability without raising prices.
What we want the most is for Bubble to continue being the absolute best No-Code builder in the world, with a great team creating new features, improving our experience, and most of all - being here for many years to come.

My main worry was on the API Connector issue, but as @eve explained, free plans will still have access to the API connector, great :slight_smile:

My opinion is that the Personal Plan is Bubble’s cornerstone. It should be preserved at this price range as long as possible because those who migrate to Personal are doing so in order to launch, but aren’t yet profitable.
I have no problem paying more for professional and production plans, because if I upgrade to these plans, it means I’m already making a profit.

Keep up the amazing work.

Renato Asse


Makes sense.

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Wait, I actually use bubble as a hobby. I don’t make apps to make money, I make little things for me and my friends. My apps aren’t hurt by no API, but is it gonna be limited to 200 DB items and no live mode?


I use bubble for so many other things than creating a startup, I use it as my daily calendar, as my board game client playing online with friends, as my class project, or my personal website.

I understand the reasoning behind this (and tbh, kinda expected this announcement to come one day too), but I’d say a $0 → $30 jump is quite a bit for those who aren’t trying to create a startup, (also, $30 is not a little for some countries, including mine ;w;). The $10 Hobby plan people suggested does seem like a deal though, maybe not even white-labeling but just 200 DB objects and live version would be enough for using bubble as an actual hobby.


A ideia do @B4B é muito boa , pois o ganho em escala que pode resultar pode surpreender:

Você já pensou em criar um plano extra de US $ 9 com limitações entre Pessoal e Gratuito?

Isso pode melhorar a taxa de conversão consideravelmente e você pode limitá-la de uma forma que faça sentido para o cliente fazer o upgrade.

Se ele quiser usar seu próprio domínio, teste API, versão ao vivo tem o plano Start por apenas U $ 9.

Se você deseja remover o logotipo da bolha e outras funcionalidades apenas o plano pessoal por apenas U $ 29

Por exemplo:

Plano inicial ($ 9)
com acesso à versão ao vivo
com domínio personalizado e SSL
com backup e restauração de dados de 1 dia
com API (limitado)

Suporte para armazenamento de arquivos de 1 GB da comunidade ou e-mail

Sem etiqueta em branco (com logotipo em bolha)
Sem importar / exportar como CSV
Sem fluxos de trabalho agendados
sem registros

O que você acha disso?

Na página inicial, diz 801.641 membro ativo em bolha, provavelmente a maior parte deles está no plano gratuito.

Se 5% de conversão para o plano de U $ 9:
40.082 novos clientes com U $ 360.738 MRR

Se conversão de 10% para o plano de U $ 9:
80.164 novos clientes com U $ 721.476 MRR

Se conversão de 15% para o plano de U $ 9:
120.246 novos clientes com U $ 1.082.214 MRR

O que você acha?


It does make sense from a business point of view, however, with such limitation people such as myself will be looking for a free alternative that offers all those features resulting in a decrease in users on the platform, I’m not very happy with this update because I wouldn’t be able to publish my pages but just as many have pointed out like my friend @ikkyu1755, A jump from 0 > 30 dollars to quite a bit especially for users that don’t make a profit out of bubble apps or in-general.

With those types of changes, it will surely impact the majority of users that depend on the hobby plan.


I would like to suggest again a school/university-specific free plan. As a professor, I had 60 masters’ students create accounts on Bubble in the last few years. We don’t need most paid functionalities, but the ability to revert, which will now be paid, seems critical for a stress-free learning. Another functionality, that was already only in the paid plans, is collaboration of several students on the same app. Currently students just share their account password. And strangely, it works when two people are connected to the same account and edit the same app at the same time! They see each other modifications in real time in the editor, it just lacks the display of the other user’s cursor.

I know there is a university (paid) plan. But it’s only available by paying by credit card in USD. It’s administratively completely impossible for me. I can only pay stuff by issuing government purchasing orders in euros with payment at 90 days.


I am a professor that has students build apps and I also support special accounts for universities and/or students. Thank you!


Hey @hshadab,

If you have students in university or just students in general Bubble offers a discount once you add a payment method to your account. I have a discount and I believe it’s 30% off.

Reach out to Bubble to learn more about it!

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Does Bubble not take purchase orders? I totally understand that because I know my school does purchase orders all the time because the process of getting a check takes way too long.

For school/universities, it’s much cheaper. $12 per account per month with a minimum of 4 months, and you get access to all the features of the Production Plan (the most expensive at $475/month). But they only accept credit cards…

Wow! That’s a pretty good deal for schools/universities. Unfortunate that they only take credit cards.

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