Date Range Not Saving in Database

Hello again all,

A fix for this has been deployed. Data saved previously and during the bug should be restored (ie not lost). We apologize for this bug - we do test extensively before releasing new code but some bugs do still slip through the cracks. We understand the frustration! The Bubble team is growing and we’re aiming to improve our resolution times for issues.

In case you’re wondering who this random person sounding like a Bubble team member is, a brief introduction: I’m Allen and I’m the new (and first!) PM at Bubble. I joined just a couple of weeks ago, and am helping the Success team with tickets to get more acquainted with the product and the community. It’s been great to interact with specific members of the community, and I look forward to interacting with many more of you in the future!



Hi @allenyang,
Thanks for attending to this issue and welcome to the community. Glad to have you on board.

On a serious note I think something needs to be done about how critical bugs like this are attended to by bubble.
This bug which affected several apps was first reported here a whole 16hrs before you guys even acknowledged it. While you guys might be in NY so maybe working on EST you have clients all over the world. Some of my clients who had their apps broken were in the day time and even though it was 11pm my time (EST) they were on my neck to fix it. Unfortunately there was no acknowledgement from bubble immediately that this was even a bug. So i kept pulling hairs why something that was working perfectly just stopped working. Because of the pressure on me from my client I had to remove all date ranges and re-implement them with normal dates so my client’s app could function.

Moving forward I suggest bubble have 24/7 system for monitoring bugs in the forum and your bug report for such critical bugs like this that affects several apps. Even just an immediate acknowledgment of such bugs will help instead of us having to wait more than half a day to get a response.



I agree. If we are expected to use this on mission critical applications for major clients, we cannot have it breaking randomly with no one to get to right away. Knowing this, it makes it super hard to justify using bubble for enterprise level high availability work. Clients will be pissed and reputations will be destroyed.

For bubble to grow they will absolutely need to introduce SLAs and service levels like any other enterprise-ready company. We’re going to be expected to offer SLAs, and they are going to ask for the SLAs of all the platforms we use.

And you need testing before upload, and continuous testing on all features. This is pretty basic stuff.

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