To the fledgling API’ers out there…this is what i was stumped with…
When you enter all the mandatory information into the API connector…I misunderstood the section below circled in green. I have presumed foolishly after meticulously reviewing all the documentation that I needed to create some form of workflow action when i logged in using the existing process but could not see how this API was actioned /called.
this was my error as its not shown or exposed. Instead do the following
Create a button or when ever…
Create a workflow
You will then see the API you created
and select signup/login with social network
Select it.
Now preview the page (make sure you have “in my case” saved the page url in the callback section of the google api console.
you should “if all is correct” get a confirmation message
Then go back to the API connector and Voilà you should see
@emmanuel to assist others who might find themselves reading this and myself . i have checked the (this API uses the refresh token mechanism) but every 60 minutes my API fails and i need to follow this process again. Have i missed something?