Memory Issues: What Data is Loaded when a Page Element has a Type?

Yeah: couple of observations:

The issue with page level privacy is the interface simply isn’t designed to enable that. You can craft these expressions (somewhere else) and paste them, but then ANY condition that passes unlocks a permitted value so you wind up with some very wonky expressions (and lots of them to cover all the cases). Implicit OR having to be worked around!

Not a good approach. (Though it DOES prohibit data loading… so it’s an option, but a fragile one.) it’s fairly easy to test for oneself — and yes it does work, but you’re fighting against other conditions if you are using Privacy Rules as intended.

Another fun fact, Privacy Rules CAN incorporate ANY conditional expression, but you cannot create just ANY conditional expression on that page… like if you need “Current Page contains…” you’ll have to construct that on a Reusable Element page and Copy/paste the expression INTO the Privacy Page…

Second Q:

The CALENDAR(s) are actually the thing I want, plus a few fields of their Parent Listing so that’s not the issue for me. The issue is limiting OTHER large objects on the Listing which are not needed in the page.

(Which is probably the right way to think about this: Let Bubble do what Bubble needs, but Stop/Throttle unneeded data.)

But yes, absolutely understood on what happens should one choose to reference unique IDs vs the object itself! :+1: