Native JS Bridge - two way bridge for Javascript addons in Bubble

Hey Jordan,

Thanks, let me explain a few use cases.

  1. Voice input from browser, phone or desktop-app. We need to input the transcript into a bubble field. Working example we did the other day: Any way of adding voice to text integration in bubble? (ie. Nuance)

  2. To use push notifications we need the JS bridge to register the device and to store the device id inside bubble DB. If there are multiple push notifications unopened. For example direct-messages from different people. You want the relevant content to show. Thus we can execute javascript whom sends the correct push ID, popup-content-ID or view-ID into bubble. On the other hand we can also execute scheduled/timed or background local notifications from bubble>javascript>phonegap>native-app.

Other use cases is all phonegap/cordova plugins that needs to be called from local app. It could be barcode scanner, beacons, bluetooth etc.

Basically my end plan is to do mobile apps that perform well and that is utilizing native behaviour as well as being able to customize the bubble front-end experience in browser when needed.