I think this matter deserves its own topic: Like many, I am making a native app and using show/hide groups to emulate pages. I cannot refresh the page, without having the user have to log-in again…so, I need to refresh the data (derived via API) inside a repeating group without refreshing the page.
In the “page” in question (i.e. the group the reveals the RG in the native app), I have a repeating group that pulls items from an API-accessable database (i.e. inventory items) and lists them in the RG. If a user wants to request an item in a repeating group cell, they hit the “request” button inside the cell and the list is then updated to show only inventory that the user hasn’t requested. This would work absolutely fine if I wasn’t building a native mobile app, but because I am designing a native mobile app, I cannot refresh the page and currently I am attempting to use “display list” unsuccessfully:
Oddly, the workflow works great the first time it is run, but ONLY once. Subsequently, when I hit the button on another item listed in the repeating group…it doesn’t ‘refresh’ at all, although it does successfully update my database via API (which I can clearly see by refreshing the page). No matter what item I hit from here on, the repeating group doesn’t refresh but the database being accessed via API is in fact updated via POST every time. @mishav has suggested a possible cause may be that ‘workflow actions attempting to overwrite the data source again, but with the same definition they’ve already overwritten it with, so from a reactive point of view, nothing has changed so a refresh is not needed.’
After working at this for days, I have tried using a counter under User in Bubble’s database (adding +1 to the “user_counter” each time the query is made. Using custom states, this allows me to switch between two different workflows (use one workflow when “user_counter” is an even number, and use the other workflow when user_counter is an odd number)…each one making the query to my database service. Alas, it still does not refresh the data!
I saw that @natedogg has a free ticker tutorial on Codeless Academy which repopulates info in a repeating group, but I’m not sure that his news is actually updated until the user logs out and back in again. Mirroring the same technique, I’ve also made it so that my repeating group makes the API call with constantly changing search parameters (I used the “until # Current User’s request_counter” so that the parameters of the call are always changing)…still nothing. Does anyone have a successful workaround for this?