(SOLVED) Enable "Scrolling" on native web app

Can you maybe help me with this problem, @sridharan.s?
That would be great! :slight_smile:

@natedogg? @alexsstockton :slight_smile:

It kinda scrolls to the 600 pixels that I set, but still cuts off things!

Hey @AlexDaresTo, if you can make a copy of your app and share a public link it will be easier to provide help, since we can see exactly what’s going on.

I found a work around in this thread!: What is an actual working method to get page height to dynamically match visible content? You’re my hero, @fayewatson!! :medal_sports: :tada: Had been trying to solve this for ages!

Setting aaaall the groups to “floating groups > float nothing” worked for me apart from the first group (“splash screen”)! Use on mobile.

Any help please?

Feel free to play around with this. It’s a copy from the main app.


Thank you!!

@AlexDaresTo Got it! Thanks! :slight_smile:

Is the splash image getting cut off? I think this is because the dimensions of the image (486px in width and 673px in height) are larger than the dimensions of the image’s container floating group (320px in width and 580px in height). I would try resizing the image to fit the dimensions of its container, and then set the -83 X-axis positioning back to 0, just to see if that does the trick!

Splash Container Dimensions:

Splash Image Dimensions:

If that doesn’t do it, definitely let me know and I’ll take another look! :slight_smile:

  1. That didn’t help + now I have white space on the left of the screen too, after putting it from 083 to 0
  2. I want the image to be centered for aesthetic reasons.

My guess is also that it has to with the picture, since it works with any other floating group, which all don’t have a massive picture. :thinking:

@AlexDaresTo Can you try setting the image to be the background of the floating group? There should be an option to center the image as well, and that would probably help with removing extra. Usually extra space comes from overlapping elements and that may be happening because the elements on top of the image are overlapping the splash image.

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Yes, perfect. This solved it! :slight_smile:
I wish there were options on how to position the image. In this case it just happens to work, though I’d love to move it around a bit more tbh. Perfectionist :see_no_evil: haha

Thank you, @fayewatson! Once again: :1st_place_medal:

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Awesome!! My pleasure, Alex! :blush:

(You’ve probably thought of this but it might help to crop a bit off the sides of the pic outside of Bubble, then reupload, so that when it’s centered it focuses on the point you’d like it to be!)

Yes, I tried that, but then it was too narrow on some bigger screens. So I’ll just leave it as it is. It looks good enough I think :slight_smile:
Do you know by any chance how to set up extracts properly? :innocent:

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