2024 - 10 min. to build a free native iOS/Android app đŸ”·

Hi @boostsalesgroup,

If you use different pages in your application, you have caught yourself in staying in this state. You cannot convert pages from a website to a one native page so you can go faster. The solution is to put all your Bubble pages on the same page and use display groups (hide and show).

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I’m actually using states on my one page application to hide and show different groups but if native swiping between pages is available then it would be way more userfriendly.

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@boostsalesgroup your need can be found with the plugin Swipe to Action from @ZeroqodeSupport.
Very effective.

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You can ask any question at the Jasonelle forum for more complex integration.

Hello @JohnMark and everybody,

First of all a big thank you for your work here. It helped me a lot!

I have a question for you, do you think it would be possible to use Webrtc using Jasonelle? I have trouble getting audio permission even if I allowed it in the Manifest.

Do you know a way to deal with that problem?

Thank you again,


Hi @clement.gachon1

First, thank you and welcome to Bubble.

Apple blocks all ‘webrtc’ calls outside the native app (wrapper and home page link saved). I don’t have the answer for Android but it seems to be more open. The way to deal with it is to used the native recorder from Jasonelle


Hi @JohnMark - I’ve just done this and it is working a treat! A quick thing people may need to do is CocoaPods install which was super easy and there are instructions here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20755044/how-to-install-cocoapods

I’ve now got universal links running too so my app opens when a user clicks on a link. We have added passwordless login functionality to our Bubble Page - the user is emailed a unique login link to login. Can anyone help me with how to get Jasonette to pick up this link to log the user in?

At the moment Jasonette opens, but it just goes to the homepage rather than processing the unique login link.



Hi @andy8, great it works.

CocoaPods.com site:

Great idea the ‘login without password’. In this case, the email must be able to open the application, and then the application must read the URL link somewhere. Ideally it would be possible to put the link in the ‘myfile.json’ file. Can you share this process with us?

Once done, you have to read the URL and replace it with the URL of your json file. And that’s your question, and hoping to be done in 10 minutes :slight_smile:
I will wait the answer of “clsource” too.

Another work around, instead of password link, used IP Address as temporary password. By reading directly with your SendGrid account (API), you can check the exact time of the request and authorize your client in real time, by registering their information in an encrypted cookie via the use of the Browser Session or Local Storage plugin.


Thanks a lot for the effort!

Do you always have to convert your whole bubble app, or is it also possible to only convert one certain page as an app?

The reason is, I have a huge dashboard single page application, but only want one certain function of it as an app. So for performance and UI reasons, I would like to create an additional page for this function and convert it as an app.

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Hi @reger-alexander, thanks.

You need to make your entire app responsive in Bubble, yes. You can limit access to pages when you detect iOS or Android, yes. See Bubble Platform Information plugin.


Thank you for your help. I will let you know if I manage to do it.

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Silly question but do I need to upgrade to a paying plan in order to execute these instructions? I was looking through the replies but no one asked this. In the SEO Metatag page there is red ink everywhere that says that to use this you must upgrade so I am wondering if there is a way to execute this without paying. I didn’t hear this in the instructions.


Hi @coachpete1492

Jasonelle is free and open source. If you need special Bubble features or want cool paid plugins, then yes you need to update your plan to $16 per month. Almost forget, if you want the Bubble banner to be removed at the bottom of your app, you need to upgrade.

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Thank you for the answer!

I would like to use a native function: sending sms from the app.

From the documentation I got the following:

If you want to call/sms a phone number you can use the  `$href`  with the  `tel://`  or  `sms://`  and the  `app`  view.

    "type": "$href",
    "options": {
        "url": "tel://18888888888",
        "view": "app",
        "transition": "modal"

My goal is to send a sms message from button click. Any idea how I might achieve this?
And do you know if this will send it truely from the app, or will the sms:// url just open the normal mobile messaging functionality?

Hi @reger-alexander

This feature works in your Bubble app, why use the native function?

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From my understanding, there are no additional costs if you send it directly with your phone if you have a sms flatrate. While sending it through third party services you always have costs.

SMS messages are always sent by the phone used, whether from a native app or a wrapper, regardless of the package. If you’re implying an sms method inside Bubble, that’s another thing. For example, you can send text messages via Twillio.

note: this character is rejected in the body on iOS (tested with version 12.3)



Would local storage plugin allow for persistence of data if I were to go the PWA route ?

Right now I use the second method you mentioned, inside Bubble via Twilio. And my goal for the app is the first method, to send directly from the phone.

If I use the method in your screenshot with “sms:
”, will it just open the native phone message app or send the message directly?


native phone

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