Currently stumped on how to achieve my desired output.
This is how I want it to look:
Reading through the various posts, I determined that my setup should look like this:
However, this does not work as the JSON is broken:
"Total Sales": 2,
"Gross Profit": 2,
"Net Profit": 2,
"Turnover": 2,
"Product Name": "Test Product 123567865768",
"Category": "Games & Board games",
"Quantity Sold": 4
"Product Name": "Strawberry Cupcake",
"Category": "Toys & Games",
"Quantity Sold": 10
"Product Name": "trhrth",
"Category": "Games & Board games",
"Quantity Sold": 3
I presume because there is an object being inserted after the “Turnover” key.
I could of course include everything with the :format as text portion, but ideally I’d rather not as it doesn’t look great at all.
Can anyone offer insight as to how to solve?
**EDIT Ok I realised that I had curly braces in the :Format as text contents, hence why an additional object was being inserted, so I removed those so that it now looks like this:
However this has sprung up a new issue in that only one row of data is being output in the CSV - I guess because its overwriting the row on each iteration of the list items.
So beginning to think it isn’t possible to output a CSV in the format I want to?