Access Development Environment From Live for Geolocation

Hi All,

I’m using the Natively Plugin for Background geolocation and have a Live Native App in the app stores using Natively.

The app is only linked to the Live environment and the geolocation service only works in a native app, so when it comes to development and testing, I don’t have a way to do this without keep deploying to Live which isn’t good practice and causing me delays, etc.

Is there a way for me to redirect / manipulate the URL / access the Development Environment (i.e. …/version-test) from within the Live Native App?

From another post, the suggestion is a button “Go to Dev” which is available in Live (but hidden for all users apart from my team) which “redirects” to the Development environment pages (i.e. …/version-test) but remains within the native app (it cannot open an external webpage as the background service doesn’t work).

Does anyone have any suggestions please? TIA