I am new to bubble and needed to create a map plugin for my own custom need. I need help creating an action on bubble workflow
- getting the coordinates (longitude/latitude) when the location changes and should be passed to Bubble.
- Ability to save data in Bubble database via workflow (e.g. writing to fields with coordinates and address).
For instance in the update part of the element code i have this which uses geocoder to get the location:
try {
const results = await geocodeAddress(geocoder, address);
if (results && results.length > 0) {
const location = results[0].geometry.location;
console.log('Geocoding successful. Location:', location.toString());
// Move the marker to the new location
instance.data.marker.position = location;
// Center the map on the new location
// Adjust the zoom level
console.log('Map updated to new location:', location.toString());
// Update InfoWindow
if (instance.data.infoWindow) {
instance.data.infoWindow.setContent(`<div><strong>Selected Location:</strong><br>${results[0].formatted_address}</div>`);
instance.data.infoWindow.open(instance.data.map, instance.data.marker);
// Trigger 'location_changed' event
instance.triggerEvent('location_changed', {
lat: location.lat(),
lng: location.lng(),
address: results[0].formatted_address
console.log('location_changed event triggered.');
} else {
console.error('No results found');
showAlert('Unable to retrieve address for the provided location.', 'error');
} catch (error) {
console.error('Geocoding error:', error);
showAlert('Geocoding failed: ' + error.message, 'error');