Adding/Removing Shapes


I am trying to create an application to visually represent addition. I would like there to be two options of adding shapes.

Option 1: user taps on the shape and it adds it to the display group above (the black bar just indicates a base) in order of left to right is biggest to smallest even if a ‘4’ is pressed after a ‘2’ or ‘1’. The it displays the total value of all blocks in the display group.

Option 2: user types in a total value and the group displays the the shapes that add to this value in the smallest amount of shapes (if ‘11’ is typed, it would show 2x’4’ blocks, 1x’2’ blocks, and 1x’1’ blocks. Instead of showing 11x’1’ blocks.

I would also like to be able to remove shapes by pressing the shapes while in the display group.

I was wondering if there was a way of assigning a shape a value and calling that value and creating new shapes in the workflow, but I have not yet figured it out. Any tips would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.

Hi @nolanlord, wouldn’t it be possible for when the person selects the shape, this shape to receive an icon with an x, so that you can hide this element that was selected, it’s a simple idea.

Hello! Yes that is very possible. I am stuck on the first two steps (creation and assigning a shape a value)