Advanced Filter not working

Data tables:

  1. ‘Task’ (has Name, Week, etc)
  2. ‘UserTask’ (has ‘Task’, Complete, User, etc)

I do a search for all ‘UserTask’ by User and Complete, I get a list, no problem.
But I want to filter this list of ‘UserTask’ by Week of the ‘Task’

I have this Advanced filter: “This UserTask’s Task’s Week is 1”
Nothing shows up.
BTW in the database, I do have UserTasks with Task with Week of 1.

Are you sure you have the data type of the week field set to number. If it is set to text then nothing will show up. Either change the data type or add in “converted to number” after “This UserTask’s Task’s Week” so it reads “This UserTask’s Task’s Week converted to number is 1”

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