An Update to Workload, Plus More Transparent Calculations

Love this. “Nature cannot be fooled.”. Indeed!

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Sorry if this is a stupid question, but after watching the seminar I am a little confused about searches.

The guy on the seminar is now suggesting that we get a list of thing (eg. current user’s list of things) instead of doing searches for things because it cost less WU.

So if I have 10K things and do a search for things created by current user, is that going to cost more than if I have 1K of things with the same search? because there’s less things to search through? And if the things number of fields (empty or not) going to impact on WU too?

Dangerous advice. Lists are faster (and potentially consume less WFU , haven’t tested it myself) than searches only when the items are less.

But we’re in the wild west now with WFU and we need to optimize our app not for the user or scalability, but for WFU.

Here is a post by Josh on list vs searches Performance Q&A guide - #23 by josh


Hi everyone, super disappointed with the direction bubble is going and it seems like this ship has left the dock while leaving most of its passengers stranded.

I have been on a professional plan for a side project app for over 2 years now that is just starting to gain users. And just looking at the unit economics from other apps are giving me nightmares.

A couple of things I would like clarifications on, (planning to remain on my existing plan for the legacy period)

Is the new pricing opt-in or opt-out? I can’t seem to find any info on that.

Will the professional plan have the same features and capacity they currently offer or will nothing other than the pricing (10% increase) change?

There is no capacity on the new plans… that’s the whole point.

As for features, you can read about each plan here: Upcoming Changes to Bubble’s Pricing Plans in 2023

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Pricing page says to keep an eye on inbox

Hey, yeah just re-read the pricing update email that states"Opt into one of the new plans" so I’m assuming the new pricing plans are opt-in since I haven’t received any other emails.

Thank you for the feedback, but I think the framing of my question was a bit unclear.

I’m planning to remain on the legacy professional pricing plan, so my question was for users remaining on their legacy plans. The only change they should expect is a 10% increase in pricing and no changes in the features that currently is part of the plan (for example server capacity)?

Thank you, Adam

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I have a real concern with any performance guidelines from six years ago (or five, or four, …). I’ve observed performance improvements and bug fixes that solved performance atrocities since 2017. And until this month, performance had no meaningful relationship to cost. WU pricing changes that.

Now, will coding for higher performance become more or less costly with respect to WU?


I am on a legacy Professional plan, and I do mean legacy from before the current Professional plan. Because information has been ambiguous and conflicting about keeping a current plan vs. being automatically moved to the nearest new pricing plan, I emailed to get clarification. Now I have it in email:

“Although the Professional (Legacy) plan is not displayed on our pricing page as it is an older version of the current plan, you are still able to use it until October 1, 2024 (18 months. There will only be a 10% increase effective May 1, 2023.”

And a follow-up when I asked for further clarification:

" I want to confirm that you can continue to use your Professional (legacy) plan for the next 18 months, until October 1, 2024, with only a 10% increase taking effect on May 1, 2023. You are not obligated to switch to the corresponding new pricing structure unless you choose to do so.
If you are charged more than the specified amount, please let us know right away."

Good luck.


I still don’t know what happens if we go for an annual plan before the deadline. Will this annual plan renew for 6 months in a year for the full 18 month legacy period if we choose to do that or do we get kicked off the legacy plan after that plan finishes in 12 months time? That doesn’t appear clear anywhere.

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Hey there,

After 4.000 posts about this, still don´t get what´s going to happen or how it will impact in our app performance, price, etc.

Super confusing.


Is this a joke? This was the famous webinar on how to optimize our apps?

I understand it for someone who started with Bubble yesterday, but those of us who have been doing it for years have most of these things more than covered.

Which leaves our apps with no chance of being “optimized”.

It’s very funny that they say Bubble is flexible, because WU’s do the opposite, because there should be only one way to build so that “X” action costs exactly “Y” wu and that’s always the cost and Bubble should say what that methodology is.

As far as I can see costs will go from $2000 to $1000 at best and we are still in a totally unworkable model @emmanuel


Chipping in @maxiogas

My current solution has been to put my head in the sand because even though I have a good grasp with building on bubble, I’m still a regular person.

And as a regular person, I’m trash at math and trash at analytics. With every new update on pricing I just get more confused because I didn’t understand WU’s to begin with and there’s been like 4 different “official” threads so far all with different info.

Regardless, I think any system that punishes you for going over an arbitrarily assigned number of units is pretty shitty.

How can me and my users avoid going over my allocated amount, if I don’t even know what triggers a WU?

Will bubble be publishing a full step by step tutorial on the best ways to optimize your app?

A tutorial that isn’t surface level and less than 2 minutes like the other ones? Do I have to wait for @gregjohnkeegan to explain it to me on YouTube? Should I instead be spending my Friday night watching bubbling with @keith live streams where he attempts to explain the new system to me but then bubble randomly goes down so now instead we’re playing solitaire while we wait??

Has bubble already published a good tutorial on WU’s? I have no idea because the average user isn’t trying to scroll through 500 comments just to find an answer that they should’ve shoved in my face from the start.

I digress


ooh, that’s a great idea. I don’t know how to build that, but I’m sure I can figure it out. For now, I just adjusted my ‘do every’ to 5 seconds, and next I’ll change it to 10 seconds and update the UI so it doesn’t show a countdown, but maybe a graphic, or blocks. The timer is important, but it’s not the end of the world if it doesn’t look like a normal timer.


Clearly Bubble’s communication related to the new pricing scheme is not as clear as it could be.

I thought I had the answer in an email exchange with one Bubble support agent:

Hello Laurence,

But today I received the following from a different agent (name changed to Xxx to protect the innocent):

Xxx here taking over the conversation. I’m reaching out to you in response to your inquiry, and please accept our deepest apologies for the miscommunication.

Your plan will not be able to stay on the old legacy subscription. As long as you’ve subscribed to one of our current plans before May 1st, you’ll be able to remain on that existing plan until October 1, 2024 (18 months), with only a ~10% increase effective on May 1, 2023, but If you wish to upgrade your plan after May 1st, they will opt for the new pricing plans.

Thank you for understanding. If you have any other questions, do let us know and our team would be happy to assist.

How would you rate my reply?

I guess I’m not the only one confused by all this.
and I won’t rate the replies I received.

So now it’s clear that my cost will double on May 1. That’s a lot better than some of my fellow Bubblers, bit it’s a lot to pay for a platform that may be unable to support my single-user app.
And it makes clear that my app would not be viable as a marketable product using Bubble as the platform.



Ok, so looks like my legacy Hobby plan is being deprecated and I’m being forced into the Free plan which has a DB limit of 200. So I will have to upgrade to the personal plan. I’ll get over it.
As a side note, if the packages offered now were the only options when I first started, I never would have gotten to where I am now, which makes me sad for others that might be in my position, but maybe there aren’t many, so I also consider myself lucky that I got in when I did.

Can anyone tell me the difference between the legacy personal plan and the new Starter plan?
Am I right to understand that I can buy the next year of the personal plan before May 1 for $25/month to avoid the 10% price increase? but if I go monthly it’s $29 now, but next month will be $32? which is what the starter plan is. So then what would the difference be between the personal and starter in capability (besides the capacity vs WU metric)? They appear to be the same??

Personal → Starter seem to be almost exactly the same feature-wise other than the the +$2 a month (looks like if you pay yearly then it still is $29/month)

Regarding Capacity → WUs, it just depends if your personal plan near max capacity all the time. If so then being on the new plan might go over the included WUs.

To be honest, i’m totally stunned by the lack of response from emmanuel and josh… We’re so far from what this place used to be…

@emmanuel ,

A year ago, you wrote this :

Our hesitation there was that it is harder for you to predict, because it depends on the way we store things behind the scenes and it isn’t easy to do the math, but maybe that’s a better option.

Anyway, we really do appreciate the feedback. We can’t promise never to change the platform, but we can promise to listen and be responsive.

in this thread :

I don’t get it… Do you sincerely believe the current pricing structure seems clear and predictable? Why no answer to everyone’s concerns?! Is that it? As they say… No answer is an answer…


In light of the recent announcements to change pricing plan, I’ve started monitoring my work unit usage on my app and what I’ve uncovered is a complete shock.

As you can see from the image below, according to your metrics, in just the past 6 days, I’ve already used up 4,991,082 workload. THAT’S JUST SIX DAYS!!

At this rate, I’m looking at nearly 25M workload which is more than your Tier 5 can offer.

My app is not doing anything lucilious. It’s only passing and storing data. There is minimal calculation involved and absolutely no big processing required.

How the heck can my app used up nearly 5M workload in just six days!?

My team is doing some investigation but truth be told, I would not have known of this unless I checked. There’s no alert, no warning message, nothing. So if it does turn out to be some workflow loop we didn’t know about, how will this impact my app’s BAU once the WU metric kicks in? Will access to my app be blocked? How will that impact my business!?