API Connector not working when testing okay in Postman

Hi, I’m trying to set up an API using API Connector to link to a Wordpress website using the plugin WP Webhooks Pro.

The API is working correctly using Postman but when I replicate it within API connector then the post in wordpress isn’t being created.

Here is the Postman code:

POST: https://findabiznetworking.com/?wpwhpro_action=fab_webhook&wpwhpro_api_key=qsux2brgqigd4d4iqpkxzps9dq4ts1sisvtmqsremeqnlsuarmjwspnikmpsdatu&action=create_post

“post_type”: “members”,
“post_title”: “post title here”,
“update_field”: [
“selector”: “email_address”,
“value”: “alasdair@humanresults.co.uk

The response here is:

“success”: true,
“msg”: “Post successfully created”,
“data”: {
“post_id”: 4750,
“post_data”: {
“post_title”: “test member”,
“post_type”: “members”,
“meta_data”: false,
“tax_input”: false
“manage_acf_data”: {
“success”: true,
“msg”: “The given ACF data has been successfully executed.”,
“data”: {
“update_field”: [
“selector”: “email_address”,
“value”: “alasdair@humanresults.co.uk”,
“response”: 144184
“email”: false,
“company_name”: false,
“start_date”: false,
“group”: false,
“seat_held”: false,
“status”: false

When setting up in Bubble using the API Connector then I get a success message but the post won’t create.

The response is:

{ "success": true, "msg": "Post successfully created", "data": { "post_id": 0, "post_data": { "meta_data": "", "tax_input": "" } }, "email": false, "company_name": false, "start_date": false, "group": false, "seat_held": false, "status": false }

I wonder if anyone can spot what’s going wrong.

Thanks, Jon

Hey Jon,

After adding the header Content-type = application/json, the API seems to work:

Good luck man!

Great thank you, that worked perfectly!! Many thanks.

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