API Connector with Spotify. Problem using scopes

Hello. I want my app to connect to Spotify API. All was going great until I was trying to get users top artists and tracks through an API call. I was using these settings for a call (picture below).

But came to a conclusion that if I mention scope ‘user-top-read’ in API settings, then whole API does not work. How could I define a scope for a specific call that uses different scope than ‘user-read-email’ or ‘user-read-private’ or add scopes in a different way. Or maybe it is not problem with scope? I am really lost here. Thank you.

Did you ever figure this out?

@creemy002 @briinicolemusic

You can set different scopes by adding different Spotify API (not API calls but API providers)
I suggest you to take a look at this working plugin to reproduce the same thing in your API connector :upside_down_face:

And this is where you set up the scopes :

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