API initialization issues

First time posting in a while, but have been using bubble for quite some time. I’m having a little bit of trouble using an API and I’m wondering if I’m doing something wrong, or if it’s a bubble issue.

I’m creating an app that uses FAA Aviation charts, and there’s an API (AviationAPI: https://docs.aviationapi.com) that provides the link to the pdf charts in JSON based on an ‘apt’ key (the airport ICAO identifier.)

My issue is, when I try to initialize the API it returns as {“KPHX”: {“General”: [… (KPHX is the passed parameter ‘apt’ key) but bubble is initializing it as {“KPHX.General”: [… and it’s making it impossible to use because it doesn’t adapt to the ‘apt’ key that I provide in the workflow. I have tried all of the various options related to the parameter but no matter what, it will only let me use “KPHX General” even when I just try to use the Call itself as data.

Any ideas?

Can you give link to API Doc of the endpoint you are trying to reach?

Sure! https://docs.aviationapi.com

Which endpoint?


Can you share your API Settings?

Also I’ve tried with and without the blank setting

Issue is not Bubble (more a limitation) but how API return data. (And they don’t follow their own output example)…

This is a dictionnary and Bubble can not really work well with this kind of data. You can create a plugin (not using API connector). But it might be complex.

Okay great, I’ll work on a plug-in for it. Thanks!