API request with different Content-Type for header and request body

The file generator will upload the file to Bubble storage and you will use the dynamic link field to this file like in your screenshot

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Happy to say I finally got it working with the file generator :partying_face:

For people with the same use-case, here is how I set it up.
Clicking an ‘apply filters’ button triggers the .json file generation with dynamic values in the query string:

Then, I pass the generated .json file’s url in the API request’s form-data body:

The big benefit here is that we can use the native API connector by setting it up like this:

(the “Private” option has to be unchecked so you can pass a dynamic .json url in the body parameters from the editor)

The request goes through and the API responds with properly filtered results as per the ElasticSearch query :slight_smile:

Thank you so much @tylerboodman and @Jici for your kind help. Tyler even got out of his way and shared a homemade plugin to help me out. You guys are great!