API Workflow request data param

I tried to figure out a little with the payment and read the forum. I’m trying to implement receiving parameters after payment using the Workflow API. In the place where they ask for the serviceUrl, I simply point to the link to this Workflow.

I tried to accept parameters via “detect request data”. But the data looks weird and I don’t understand how to properly process it.

Could you help with this?

Maybe I can process this data correctly on the Connector API and send it to the Workflow API? But the problem is that I do not need to connect anywhere. The data just comes from the link.

Looks like wherever your data is being sent from needs to know that you need to receive a JSON Object with keys and values. Right now it is sending the object “stringified” so Bubble just sees the whole thing as one text field. If it came through properly it would look more like this:

merchantAccount: speachi_care2,
orderReference: WFP-BTN-702

And then bubble would know your Request data has a key of MerchantAccount that is text and so on. See if you can configure the data being sent to your webhook to match.