App cleanup - deleting workflows with no triggers

I am cleaning up an app and the previous owner has a lot of of backend workflows that do not seem to have any triggers or they are only triggered by themselves. If I cannot find a trigger when I search by
Action Type >> Schedule API workflow (or Schedule API workflow on a list)>>{API workflow name} is there any risk if I delete the workflow?

Just doing a sanity check before I move forward. Are there other searches I should use for backend API workflows

Triggered by itself

Triggered by nothing

Should be fine…just keep in mind Bubble is chop full of bugs and the app search tool is not always accurate…maybe do a savepoint prior to cleaning up and then open every page and reusable after deleting backend workflows to ensure.

Good tip. Appreciate the sanity check here. It looks like about half the workflows created are no longer used so I am hoping this will improve app organization and possibly performance.