App suddenly hitting max capacity - but why?!

App was running great, and hadn’t made any changes to it for about 4 weeks.

Then suddenly yesterday users started reporting irregular behaviour not being able to upload images.

Question: What are my next steps to figure out what might be happening?

Here is what our capacity graph looks like over the last 7 days.

Just for comparison… here’s what it looks live over the past 90 days

Our number of workflow runs looks to be on average with normal

This is a new issue for me, and not sure where to dig… usually when something like this is happening there’s a server issue on the status page and after some time it just sorts itself out, but this seems like something different.

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I would contact Bubble and get them to take a look I do hope they are not playing with the limits again!

Thanks for writing @StevenM!

I believe I found the issue and looks like an API connection is sometimes working, sometimes not which is really strange, so at least now I know where to dig into the issue.

Going to mark this closed.

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