Are there actually any good looking Bubble apps out there?

Re: the list of Bubble coaches, from their descriptions they come from the app building side. That’s critical of course and the first step.

But users do judge a book by its cover. I sometimes see Bubble apps, including those on the app of the day, where the design isn’t where it needs to be. Rather than the design helping the app, it actually works against them.

I do plan to buy and read the new Bubble design book by @gregjohnkeegan : Guide

But I also ask… are there any Bubble consultants that come from a design background. For many of us on Bubble, we can handle the majority of the build side with some help here and there. But design is a different skill set. We could go out and hire traditional web or graphic designers of course, but then we’d need to teach them Bubble. If a designer knew Bubble, they could plug into a project and have an immediate impact by improving the design. And if the consultant also was good at marketing copy (which goes hand in hand with design), they’d be even more valuable.


Thanks for the shout-out. Agree with @flipmatrix-mike to some extent. We are hoping to help fix this moving forward.


Hey FlipM2,

I totally hear you! Listen, if you have enough aesthetic awareness that you’re not diggin’ the templates, craft your own look! I’m sure someone will sit down and crank out some harmonious designs in the future. This is a moderately new site, navigating rapid growth, and constantly upgrading content and form. I’ve been here for ages. I spend way too much time asking myself, should this thing go one pixel to the left, or does it sing more triumphantly one pixel to the right? I know I should just focus more on function, but I can’t look in the mirror if I my designs fail to invoke joy in my heart.

People have varying degrees of artistic sensitivity. You can smell out dorkiness, where perhaps, some folks will never be as woke as thou. Be grateful for your sharpness and work to craft your own style! Bubble is a design platform. It has very few flaws for what it’s trying to be. It doesn’t claim to be ALL things computationally (running for loops IS doable, but it ain’t pretty! Running asynchronous programming IS possible, but I think I had a wee bit of a brain aneurysm figuring that out.)

One lovely idea I had (at least, I think it’s lovely) was to think about color for a bit. Why should a site have a color theme? What if the theme could change? What if the background were beautiful pictures… And what if someone selected a lovely color from said pics and created harmonious color accents to build the site with that changed with every color? Face book is Blue… What if a site could be any color? ( check it out! Feedback always appreciated!

Design and UI are TOTAL Bubble’s strengths. Bubble is a rapid iteration powerhouse. Templates are in a state of evolution. As there is an open market and things can be built and sold, some creative wizard will surely work on this. Bubble is not primarily (or not yet anyways) a full solution templated offering. Get an idea, come and build it, then polish it so it’s super purdy. This is focusing on bringing powerful app development to everyone. You can build most anything you can dream up.

So, to offer my humble suggestion for how to beautiful cleanly and beautifully in Bubble:

  1. See something wonderful in your mind’s eye.
  2. Try to invoke that beauty in this environment.
  3. Realize it takes WAY more time to paint a masterpiece than you had initially estimated.
  4. Fall asleep.
  5. Try again the next day.
  6. Repeat steps 4 through 5 until you birth a joyful resonance in your designs…

At least, my friend, that’s what attempt every day!

Those are my 2 cents.



Today’s Accompanying Music all day on loop: Chaka Khan - Like Sugar
Today’s Bevvie of Choice: Coffee (this ain’t our first rodeo!)
Today’s sock color: Shockingly Neopolitan!?!
Today’s Goals: Double Cha-Check.


link broken

Oops… Coaching | Bubble


Hi @flipmatrix-mike

Yes I do :slight_smile:

I just pm’d you

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@ashley.benson.tait that was a :fire: post! I appreciate the reply and this thread has been giving me a lot more confidence in moving forward with Bubble as a solution for our project (at least for version 1)!

Hey FM2,

Welcome aboard! That guy above you (‘help’) is brilliant and awesome… Work with him!

PM me sometime to review your work or if you need encouragement. I absolutely think coding should practically be a basic human skill in these times. Nothing is perfect, but Bubble is GREAT. Even for coders, I think Bubble is still an awesome tool because it allows us to build SO much faster!

Happy Bubblin’


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@ashley.benson.tait @flipmatrix-mike

Echoing the discussion around people have varying degrees of design/artistic sense. I myself have a software engineering background and am very comfortable with workflows/dB but not design/front-end. My first hire at AZKY Tech Labs was a front end designer/developer person to complement the skill set.

There are amazing figma/sketch etc templates out there. And I don’t see why 80% of the amazing design can’t come into bubble. For this reason, we’ve tried to launch a simple we will take your figma design into bubble for you. By hand. That way any developer will get a large set of blocks/design system. And hopefully we’ll get amazing pretty apps!

Check out this forum post for more details


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I’d chime in on the discussion here from the perspective of a template developer who has no experience with design and throughout my life has been artistically inept. I have an ability like most to see something and have an opinion on how pleasing it looks to me, but of course that opinion is my own and may be shared by others, while some would disagree.

It’s something that is objective, but of course, it is usually pretty easy to spot where design is not a particular skill set of somebody. That being said, there is of course an ability to learn the fundamentals of design and its theory, while still never having the natural abilities to create the most beautiful designs. For me that will be the case, because my brain just is not wired that way.

Beyond that, there is also a need to understand the basic concept of the templates. They are built, and therefore resources deployed to that development, usually without prior market validation of their need, so a bit of risk taking is involved. If a template developer, like myself, doesn’t have the artistic abilities to design jaw dropping UI, they might not be willing to also deploy financial resources to outsourcing that design.

Of course, there is the other side of this too. That just like what most people on Bubble are doing, is creating an MVP or a first iteration of a product, with the full intention of improving, adding more features and iterating over time based on customer feedback as the resources generated through that endeavor provide; a template developer may take some of the sale proceeds to pay a competent designer to re-do the design.

But of course, there is so much more that goes into a template besides just the design. The logistics, UX, workflows etc. etc. all take time, so it is a balancing act of how much time do you invest into the product so that you can price it at a competitive price point. Personally, I build templates, not with aesthetics at the forefront, but the actual feature set and reliability of the product. All lot of time is needed to test and debug prior to launch so as not to disappoint, and even then, you may get thrown through a loop and have to rebuild large portions of your app because of some unlisted shortcomings in the debugging tools.

When I build a template, I fully expect the purchaser to utilize all the workflows and the UX and to then customize the look and design to suit their business brand and identity. You can’t really build a template expecting that all the purchasers would just launch it with the same design and not add their own brand identity with at least adjustments to the color scheme and fonts.

I think maybe there are some templates out there that are focused on design only, and offer just ‘building blocks’ in the sense that it is void of any workflows and database structure and only provides for a ‘beautiful design’.

I think templates are a great way for people to avoid the expense of having a fully custom app developed, both financial and time wise, while having the freedom to customize any way they see fit to be something that they are pleased with. I personally wouldn’t shop for a template based on design alone, because I wouldn’t want to launch my own business with a generic design that is not unique to my business brand.

Others have pointed this out as well, but some of the most well known platforms, didn’t invest heavily in design, they invested heavily in features and follow through. If you have a product that is beautiful but doesn’t have all the features, nobody is going to stay around because of the look…the look doesn’t solve people’s problems, and people use products that solve their problems (of course somebody’s problem could be they can’t design well and want to buy a template that solves that for them — I know I wish I knew of a way to make my designs really pop).


We’ve built entirely on Bubble and most recently

If you’re looking for more apps/templates with good design, then build something and show it off to others. Best way to inspire others to do the same!


@boston85719 All good points, but I think the biggest challenge is finding a talented designer to hire who is well versed in Bubble and can build the UI with Bubble. It’s not a huge learning curve, but I don’t know of many agencies or top designers that would take on a project working on a platform that they are unfamiliar with.

These posts always crack me up. Bubble is largely what you make of it. So if you want a pretty site, make it pretty.

Good luck @flipmatrix-mike! I’m sure you can accomplish your vision with Bubble.


This might be because the most talented designers don’t need to side step to learn a new platform and are doing well sticking to their A game and designing in whatever platform they currently design in.

My strategy is that a talented Bubble developer can develop the project with some decent UI and then pay a designer to re-design it, as that doesn’t require them to be familiar with Bubble workflows, database etc.

Its like hiring a ‘jack of all trades’ and getting a B rate job on everything they do rather than hiring specialists for each portion of a project and getting A grade quality from them. You can definitely find Bubble specialists who know how the responsive engine works, how to follow design best practices and know what UI components are necessary for solid UX, but might not have the artistic specialization for beautifying the color schemes, font pairings and small adjustments to things like a outset shadow.

You should search for a designer who is familiar with Figma, get the Figma design and then integrate it into a project and have a Bubble developer build the project using that imported Figma design.

Yes and no I think. If you want full freedom to find the perfect designer for your project, then yes that means not restricting yourself by platform, but that’s often serious $$ and way more firepower than a startup site needs.

While some web designers may not specialize in a platform, others do. (Look at Webflow for example, which has a lot of designers using the product and focusing on how to get the most out of it).

I think what most of us fear with hiring a designer who isn’t proficient with Bubble is they’ll suggest things that either a) are difficult to implement; b) are impossible to implement; or c) can be implemented, but hurt the site in some way. Working through a-c would be a ton of work which would be avoided by a designer who knew Bubble. There are nuances with every medium, and designers who know the medium will know how to best (and most efficiently) get the most out of it.

PS: I also think there’s a need for marketing talent who knows Bubble, in terms of how to get the most out of the platform for SEO, analytics, email outreach, sales funnels, etc.

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If you are looking to do that I built a Blog template that is a blog builder and CMS in one, and makes use of all that Bubble has to offer in terms of SEO.

I think it looks pretty good too, considering my lack of design expertise.

The last screen shot shows the Manage Authors section which is an added feature to allow an application owner to monetize and promote their app better. Mostly focused toward the idea of allowing your users who have a ‘listing’ of some sort to become a ‘contributor’ to your blog.

This user will write posts that benefit your application in terms of content, and therefore SEO and reach, while at the same time, you offer this ability as a paid feature since the author will be able to have a link on all of their posts in their ‘bio’ plus they have a dedicated ‘authors’ page, which shows all their posts and again their ‘bio’ which also has a link to their listing page or outside website.

There is also the feature to enable readers to subscribe to the blog, which helps creating an email list for email outreach…there is also a bit of built in analytics too, to track the number of visits a particular post gets.

Furthering the built in analytics to function as a sales funnel and to further the monetization is simple, by adding the capture of data which blog post a new blog subscriber subscribed from so that you could provide direct email marketing opportunities to the author and other listing owners in that field, which again would be an upgraded paid feature for listing owners.

Lots of cool stuff.

But wouldn’t that contradict your previous statement that “the most talented designers don’t need to side step to learn a new platform”. If that is the case, then how can a talented Bubble developer pay a talented designer to re-design it in Bubble? I am perfectly fine with building the back end in Bubble and paying a solid UI/UX designer to build out the front end, but how would I do that if they aren’t familiar with Bubble and as of this post, the Figma integration doesn’t seem like a great solution?

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Maybe, if you interpret ‘the best designers’ as the same as ‘a talented designer’.

I’m sure you can find a talented designer who is familiar with Bubble. You just might not find a template that looks as you want it to, or see spotlighted apps that fit your bill for design.

As a Bubbler with a design background this is my take: The canvas editor makes it hard to get the ‘small details’ right in modern-looking responsive page layouts.

HTML box model builds take longer to get from zero to something, but then it’s fast to refine.
The Bubble canvas editor lets you get from zero to something quickly, but it can be really hard to ‘refine’.

The HTML box model style editor that Webflow uses, or when implementing designs directly into HTML is harder to learn and much slower to get the initial scaffold, but you can rely on every pixel to behave exactly how you orchestrated it, in every screen size. Using deep nesting structures, defining ‘padding’, using media queries and so on means you can be precise with the implementation, which usually gives that ‘wow’ factor of a well-balanced web page. Sometimes, moving things around by even 1px can disrupt the harmony.

Bubble is absolutely the right tool for many projects, at least at an early stage, but I do find it really hard to give it a modern web ‘finish’. Some of the hardest things for me have been

  • Fixed width boxes/text. You can’t easily implement sophisticated horizontal layouts, for example 3 strings of text with different formatting that need to be concatenated together, or buttons that conditionally show.
  • Not using HTML box model means you don’t have global ways to tweak the layout, for example realising all your form fields should be 20px apart rather than 30px once you’ve added the whole form in. In a (well organised) HTML-based project, that’s a single value change to try (ooh let’s try 24, no, 26). In Bubble, it’s shuffling things around for ages only to realise it didn’t actually improve things. You might say, just make the designs pixel perfect! But I’ve always found changes are needed in implementation when testing in various screen resolutions, screen ratios etc…
  • Shuffling elements left and right one ‘tick’ can cause WILD changes in their positioning in Bubble sometimes. This, plus waiting to reload the app after every change to see what has happened, can get really time consuming, which discourages refinement.
  • Not able to have a nested ‘sticky’ element - they all need to be at the root page level. This is a common design feature, especially of booking type sites that want to make the C2A always available in a side panel whilst you scroll for more details.
  • Limited conditionals - working with React is a treat in this regard, because you have the full power of JS to conditionally render things in a design based on data. Bubble does have basic conditionals, but along with the canvas editor this can quickly get hard to manage so you end up simplifying things. (eg. you have 4 different types of user, and they all need a different account dropdown options on the right of the top header bar, you have to draw 4 elements on top of each other which gets a bit tricky)
  • Components - You can kind of do this with the ‘Reusable elements’ feature, especially if you’re creative with sharing state / using URL params - but you can’t build more complex reusables (like a ‘more menu dropdown’ which takes a list of properties and can be used in a variety of settings) which means you’re copy/pasting things around, and when you need to change it, you’re now hunting them down all over your app for ages.

I know you might be able to get around a lot of this with custom JS & CSS, but that brings its own set of complexities to the project also.

Anyway, still love Bubble for the right project, perhaps over time it’ll get easier to make more sophisticated designs with it. Or maybe not - because it could lose the simplicity & charm it currently has if it had more of these features!


check this out, we think it looks good, but your opinion matters no matter what it will be :blush: