As in the screenshot below, there are two estimated time of deliveries (ETDs), however the earlier date has a sequence of 2 whilst the later date has a sequence of 1. When I “Make changes to a list of data” I would love to be able to change the sequence where the earlier date is sequence 1 and the older date is sequence 2, but how would I go about doing this? Especially for a bigger list of numbers in the future? (e.g. list of 100 items, sort by earliest day and give numbers 1-100 based on the earliest to latest dates.)
Why do you need the sequence number? What is the use case? Especially since you can sort it by date and get the first or last one without it anyways. It looks like a redundant column from first look.
Because the repeating group that displays it can be sorted by date or other parameters based on the product. Therefore I use the sequence data field to order it based on the dropdown of parameters they want the product to be sorted in. As seen the current parameter I am doing is earliest to latest dates.
The rest of the parameters they could choose have “Yes/No” field types which is much easier to sort, on top of earliest to latest dates. Once they click assign capacity was hoping to autogenerate a sequence in the DB to be able to order it from 1-… depending on the count in the DB.
Yes they would be synchronized as the earliest date would be 1 and the latest date would be the count of the DB, but how would I go about synchronizing them in terms of “make changes to thing”? So far I can only get it to make changes to have the same value rather than it labelling it from 1-…
Ok, this (the sync) can be done in a recursive workflow: Recursive API workflows | Bubble Docs
But as I said, I am not seeing the point of this column. Maybe I am missing something. You can already sort by ETD.
Will try with the recursive API workflows but don’t have much experience with them. In essence the column is there because the data can be sorted other than ETDs depending on what the user wants. Will get back to you on how it goes!
I have just realised that you can use multiple sorting when using “Do a search for…” you are right the column is redundant. Before I mark your answer as the solution, would there be a way to label the sorting from 1-… for aesthetic reasons rather than using a data field? Like a plugin? Its just so the user understands more.
You can create an Option Set with attributes. Like display name (already there in an option set) and actual field name (you can add this attribute). Set this option set as the data source of the dropdown, and get its value's actual field name to sort your data dynamically.