Authorizing Multiple Customer Integrations - API Set Up and Workflow

Hello, first off, sorry for the long post but I have been banging my head against the wall for hours on this. I have a rather complex thing I am trying to do in my bubble app, which is a process management app for cpmpanies:

The purpose of the app is for a company to be able to create and manage all their important processes in one place. The workflow to do this is: a user signs up on behalf of a company and builds a company profile. The company then can create multiple departments. Each department creates their own processes; this is where processes can be built with individual process steps and then used. Company → (list)Departments → (list)Processes → (list)Process steps

I want to be able to have the option to integrate with popular apps (Trello, G Docs, Zendesk, etc.) so a user can create tickets (in Zendesk, Trello, or Jira) or create content (in G docs) right from the process that they build.

The issue I am running into is setting up an API workflow (authorization) that can be configured by each company.

For example: I want a user from Company A, in Department “Content Team” to be able to create the below workflow AND then be able to use it with Google Docs (this seems possible):

  1. Create a title that is no longer than 10 words - there will then be an input for them to put the title of the document
  2. Create the body of the document - there will be an input for the user to input some text that will go in the body
  3. Send this input data to Google docs to create a document under the given users work email (they will be signed up with their work email)

Is this even possible or am I wasting my time? Is this scalable, or would an integration need to be configured for each company trying to do the same workflow/process that I detailed above?

Once again, sorry for the long post. Thank you in advance!

Additionally: I would be willing to compensate someone for an hour of their time to talk through this.
