AWS Upload - API - Help

Hi There !

Note.: I’d bet my problem is with Content-Type.
But I cannot make it happen.

Trying to upload a video to AWS (Pinterest API)
getting errors…
Pinterest Developers

curl --location --request POST ‘
–form ‘x-amz-date=“20221012T154547Z”’
–form ‘x-amz-signature=“{x-amz-signature}”’
–form ‘x-amz-security-token=“{x-amz-security-token}”’
–form ‘x-amz-algorithm=“AWS4-HMAC-SHA256”’
–form ‘key=“uploads/17/4d/be/2:video:704109860400394553:5258848560742447767”’
–form ‘policy=“{policy}”’
–form ‘x-amz-credential=“{x-amz-credential}”’
–form ‘Content-Type=“multipart/form-data”’
–form ‘file=@“/filePath/video_file.MOV”’


any help?

any help on this? i’m stucked at this issue… :slight_smile:

I don’t think you are doing your auth correctly. More, auth goes into header, not parameters.

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