Backend api workflow: Create multiple things, with 1 field different (from multidropdown input)

Hey guys! So, I have one page where the user insert basic data to book a room.
I’m trying to build an option so that the user can book multiple rooms with that same data, where I just replaced the dropdown room to a multidropdown of rooms available.

Captura de tela de 2022-07-16 14-21-31

It works fine when the user select one (as the multidropdown is set to :firstitem), but I’m struggling to use the backend workflows API function… I’ve used before in a form to create things with the same information, just adding “-1” in their name, but in this one I need that all the bookings have the same information, except for the room, of course.
Does that make sense? Did anyone else managed to do this something like this? Maybe some video similar to it that you can point me out?


In case you are able to predict maximum numbers of rooms available for booking (for example 5) you are able to simple copy steps workflow (copy step 2 in the same workflow 5) and each next step shift to next room from multidropdown (iser though additional step with shifting in some state this room from a list, or other way) with condition for each step
(it’s just a mindflow - may be not the best)

Let us now your foundation :wink:

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