Backend API Workflow

I am trying to setup a backend API workflow to get recurvise data over the past few days as per what chat GPT is instructing me to do. Attached you will see the parameters I have setup but then when I set an action to schedule an API workflow my parameters that are set in the API workflow are not populating as Chat GPT said they should. I am new to this and learning as I go and I have figured most stuff out until now. I am stuck and need help because I need to appartently set an action of set API workflow where parameters are ZIP for the zip code parameter, Date as Current date/time - 1 day and index as index +1. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

The Trigger workflow with is new to me, I had never seen this before and just checked and see it in an app of mine…I believe, perhaps, if you change it from GET to POST that should solve the issue.