I have a backend workflow which I have a step that generates a log from a call that happens before.
This is a data trigger workflow type.
But somehow it breaks after 4th step (which is not difficult or anything, just make changes to a thing). Log creation is in the step 7. Is there a way to know what breaks this flow? As I understand backend workflow should execute all steps at once unless they are somehow related, but never heard (apart from general unreliability on Backend workflows ) that the flow ommits some of the steps.
Correct me if I am wrong.
But what should I do to catch what causes the issue, as I just see in the logs first 3 steps and nothing further, no errors, no nothing.
maybe you have some conditions in the workflow actions that would cause the remaining actions to fail or a terminate workflow action?
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Are you calling an API in your workflow? If so, have you checked ‘include errors in response and continue workflow’ with the headers checkbox for the call in the API Connector? It’s wise to do this for all API calls. Else, if there is an error in the API workflow, all following actions will be cancelled.
Actually I have a database trigger there. It’s not being called. It’s a flow that when I create an empty invoice database item, my system generates the invoice details based on the order plus calls integration endpoints to put the invoice into the factoring system.