Is anyone using exclusively magic links for login? If so, do you have a backup? I’m using Sendgrid and sometimes they have servers that are in known spam pools (unless you upgrade to a Pro plan for a dedicated IP which I don’t want to do yet as it doubles my monthly cost).
I’ve only had a few customers who’ve had these problems:
an internal firewall messes up the link so they can’t login at all
their mail server rejects the magic link email (I can see rejected messages in sendgrid)
I tried a few things and there’s no way to manually create a magic link because Bubble won’t show it. For example, I have an admin support tool, but I can’t generate a link to manually email it to the customer.
I completely understand your frustration with Sendgrid and email spam filtering. However, “backups to Magic Links” kind of defeats the purpose of a Magic Link verification.
My suggestion would be to ALSO offer signup via SMS verification (built in-house or via 3rd party) and/or Google Login. I believe Bubble also offers login via Authentication tools like Google Authenticator.
To summarize, treat these 2 issues separately. Offer more ways to sign up that just a magic link while also figuring out the Sendgrid issue.
By the way, I’ve used Postmark for some apps instead of Sendgrid. Haven’t had any issue yet!
SMS is a good idea, that’s what I meant by ‘backup’, but I already got rid of my social signin because I had too many options and frequently customers would ‘forget’ they used Linked, then they’d create accounts with the native signup, and Google signup so I had a mess merging accounts.
I’ll check out Postmark too, I use Active Campaign for my marketing, but it doesn’t have dynamic templates otherwise I’d have gone that route for the email. I guess owning Postmark is how they get you to pay more…
Alright, just to close off this thread, I tested both. My main magic link uses SendGrid and I added Postmark as the backup. So when a user requests the link, Sendgrid sends it and then I show a group with a button: “Didn’t get it? Get a new one”…that uses Postmark.
Just had a customer try to signin. Sendgrid message was blocked:
The adventures of magic links continue…one of my users is behind a corporate firewall and whatever spyware their corporate IT uses is actually pre-screening and visiting the link before it hits their inbox.
That was fun to track down. Glad Postmark has impeccable logs. I’m going to implement a one-time passcode option as a backup.
Oh man I think this is what’s happening to me as well. I’m working on an app where the customers are 90% on EDU networks and it’s an absolute nightmare. Trying to find a good solution here as well. One time passcode might be it.
Did you end up using the Magic link workflow items anyways in order to accomplish the actual login after verifying that the code is correct? That’s the path I’m heading towards right now. I think I’m getting close but if you do have working steps, I would appreciate it haha.
No need to use magic link because it will keep expiring. Instead use Assign a temp password to a user
then create a new Sendgrid API that has the password field setup to send in the message and add in the password you created in step 1
This will send an email to the user with their temp password and they cal login,. create a workflow that forces a change in the password before they can continue further.