BDK Native in-App Purchase Integration Question

I’m currently working through BDK’s docs and vid’s trying to get iOS and Android in-app purchasing setup. Following their video per the link below they are trying to show how to save receipt data or if a transaction is successful. In theory, it all makes sense. This all takes place between 6:30 - 9:45 in the vid.

I’m missing something cause in their example they create a State, and then save the data from the BDK return to the state, but never to the database, that I can see. If this works, my only theory is since they created the State with the ‘State Type’ as that off the DB Object…when you save it to the state it then saves to the Object? i.e. It passes through as another way to save? Either that or the video is wrong or they then do something else which they don’t show in the video so its only half the process?

My thought which seems to follow a flow I can understand is to store the purchase information in the State during initial ‘buy’. But then when I get the returned data via either the Successful or Receipt events then to lookup the already created Thing in the DB based based on the Transaction ID (which I am assuming is unique per transaction) and then store the receipt and or success event data based off that.

Anyone, implemented this step and can advise if their coached method works or if I’m better off doing it my way or something else completely?

Thanks in advance!