BDK Native Plugin - Reading Android Payment Receipts

Hey all,

I’m close to finishing my app and recently got my app wrapped by BDK to get published on Android and IOS stories. Right now I am struggling to get the action: BN - Read Receipts to work. I’m extremely confused on how to correctly associate the service ID in the Google Play Developer console correctly. Right now, everything is working with the native android payment, the purchase is working, an android receipt is being created for the user, however when I try to read the receipt and figure out a sub end date, nothing is happening via my backend workflow.

Has anyone successfully configured this capability recently? I would really appreciate the chance to ask a few questions to anyone has set this up.

My best

Hi @modpilotofficial where you able to solve this issue? I’m wondering about the exact same thing. Any insight would be much appreciated

@modpilotofficial would love to know if you resolved this. I’m having the same issue. Works for iOS but can’t get Android to work.

After weeks of banging my head against the wall, and horrendous support from BDK, I finally figured it out. Here is what I did in hopes that it helps someone else should they decide to use BDK Native to wrap their app.

In the Play Console you need to go to user management ( and add the Google Service account that you created. It’s the long and random email address.
Then, you need to go into that user and make sure they have access to your app.

And here is one more thing you will not see in the god awful documentation. To do test transactions, just add the google account that you will be doing your testing with to Setting / License Testing. Found this out after google shut down my account for doing too many returns.