We’re rolling out a new breaking change regarding the text element. Historically, a text element made invisible has maintained its height, meaning that everything beneath it remains in place. Going forward, checking the box “Shrink the element height if the text gets shorter” in the property editor will cause it will work the way a collapsable group does–its height will go to zero when it becomes invisible. This seems to us to be a more logical default behavior.
As with all breaking changes, this new functionality is opt-in, available in Bubble v4. Newly created apps will implement this behavior as the default, but existing apps will have the option to upgrade.
What do you mean by “the option to upgrade”? If I upgrade, do all my hidden texts get the default value or does upgrading mean I have to manually activate the collapse function per text field?
I’m a bit confused about the implications of upgrading.
So by naming this a “breaking change”, I understand that doing the upgrade may break my app. Is this correct in this case?
I also read that if I upgrade my app, each text box will have this new "Shrink the element height if the text gets shorter” box unchecked, so each text box will not change its behaviour. Hence my app will not break.
@antony, my reading of this is that if you already had the checkbox ticked for a text element that was invisible then it will behave differently to how it used to, hence the warning.
Groups already have that option. (Collapse this element’s height when hidden, optionally with animation.)
The change to texts is handy as it was (very) common to have to take texts and wrap them in a group for the sole purpose if achieving this previously. It’s just kind of a quality-of-life / speed of development enhancement.
Will the existing and new texts be defaulted with this once we upgrade? Because I have a rather large application I’m working on, and it has a lot of hidden text that can’t have their height collapsed. Just want to make sure I know what I’m in for before upgrading.
As @keith said, groups already have this option. No plan to roll this out to images, but if people are interested in this feature, we might reconsider.
So happy to have this! Not sure about other folks, but for me, there are many other elements I find myself having to put in a group just to be able to collapse them when they’re hidden - repeating groups, buttons, etc. Would love to have this option on all (or at least many other) types of elements.