Bubble Is Not Intuitive

I got it to work (I did not figure it out because I don’t understand it). I simply copied what I did somewhere else. This makes no sense to me. If you can explain what is going on here, I’d appreciate it.

I have another table named tblProject where Project Name in tlbScorers comes from. So this is another way to accomplish the thing I was trying to accomplish. Still don’t know what is going on.

The video has got nothing to dow tight what you’re doing… (you’re trying to display Text values in a dropdown… the video is demonstrating showing Users in a dropdown).

Apologies… I missed part of the instruction…

That line should have said: * Set the Choices Source to a list of tblScores (e.g. a search for, or a reference to some other list of tblScores): each item’s project names (I’ve corrected it now)

That goes at the end of the search expression:

I don’t understand what you’re saying here at all, sorry. " * And the Option Caption to ‘This Text" (thats’ the only property of a Text"

Actually it should be ‘Current Option’ (not This Text) - The datatype ‘Text’ doesn’t have any additional properties like Objects do… so it’s the only thins you can select.

So based on that screenshot, your ProjectName field is not a Text at all (as implied by your naming convention), but is of type: Project… (so the field would be better named ‘Project’ as it represents a Project Object, not the Name of a project).

This is all by design. Bubble isn’t meant to be for the every-day programmer, but for every-day people, so they use naming conventions that will click more with people who haven’t explored the basics of computer science. Also, Support & Training Material doesn’t really spark excitement, To reach a broader audience you use terms they are more familiar with.

For me when I started with Bubble I had developed in Providex (Now PVXPlus), so I quickly learned that Do a Search For was a Select Statement, Things were Data Files, Primary Fields were Key definitions, etc. So I just used things that were familiar with me to get to know Bubble, and eventually it just became Bubble knowledge after years of working in it.

Admittedly I do not know Quantum Mechanics nor do I understand Quantum Computing, but I do know repetition is king. When I first started and I couldn’t get what I wanted out of Bubble, I stopped and decided to make some simple applications first to get a better understanding of how to use Bubble, which then lead me to complete what I initially set out to do.

Also, spending hours and hours doing something very simple is almost the core of being any type of Developer. But most of the time you only spend hours and hours doing that thing once, and from then on it’s smooth sailing. It will click!

Also if you aren’t familiar, I highly recommend looking into intros to Object Oriented Programming or some Computer Science basics to get the fundamentals which will be very valuable for Bubble.