Calendar Grid Pro: Calendar Generator, Date Picker, Date Range Picker Like Airbnb, | Now at Version 1.6.1 - Fixes a Safari Compatibility Issue, minor bugfix

@keith I keep getting the following error when trying to display a calendar grid. I’m trying to set the selection to a date that is already stored. Any ideas?


Hi @blake1, if you are on the very latest CG Pro version, you may want to try the previous one. Latest update was a bit of a “hotfix” that may have some functionality missing. But as I create an updated version to resolve, I’ll check this issue.

One other thing: Don’t try to fire actions at CG Pro before it’s initialized or you’ll get errors like this. If you’re trying to set selection on page load, for example, do the action on CG Pro Initialized!

Best regards,

Thanks, doing the action after initialization worked.

@jamesonrunnels: Newly published version 1.9.9 fixes both issues (it restores proper functionality of “Allow Blocked Date Selection” and multiple CG Pros on one page). Apologies for the problems and the time it took to finally get this update out!

Best Regards,

UPDATE NOTE: Just pushed version 1.9.9 which corrects problems with versions 1.9.7 and 1.9.8.

Version 1.9.9 restores proper functionality to the “Allow Blocked Date Selection” feature (which broke in 1.9.8). I’ve also verified that version 1.9.9 properly allows multiple CG Pros on a page (a problem that plagued version 1.9.7 and was fixed in 1.9.8).


Amazing! Thank you!

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Hey @keith

I get this error (plugin is on latest version):


The action is configured like this:

@maja-overgaard: This happens when you attempt to hit Calendar Grid Pro with an action before the plugin is initialized on the page. For example, if you’re trying to fire this action on Page Load, do it instead on Calendar Grid Pro Calendar Initialized.

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Awesome - works perfectly! Thanks for the quick answer!

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Hey Keith, any update on this? Would this be useful for, say, a tutoring app where you book time with a tutor and pay according to how much time you book in 30m intervals?

Hi @keith, I’m thinking about using your plugin for my app, but I have one question which I can’t find on this topic. Is it possible to create charts based on calendar events?

I’m building a scheduling app and I need to create a chart representing the total amount of people on any given day e.g. on November 30th there are 2 events with 3 people attending the 1st event and 4 people attending the 2nd event (7 in total). The chart should present that 7 people are attending the events on 30th November.

Is it possible with your plugin?

I assume by “chart” you mean “indicate on the calendar that on such and such date there’s Event X with n attendees and Event Y with p attendees”. CG Pro isn’t really designed for that.

Though of course, you can always know how many attendees there are for some Event (and what day it’s on). An Event would be thing with fields including date and number of attendees, yeah?

That has nothing to do with one’s choice of date pickers.

That being said, there’s a limited functionality for labeling arbitrary dates in the calendar (see the Label Dates action).

CG Pro also spits out the list of dates it’s displaying and so you can of course fetch from the database the list of events that occur during that period, etc. and display them some other way (such as in a repeating group or whatnot).

CG Pro also sends an event for date hovered, picked, etc. which could be used in the same way. But CG Pro is not a calendar visualizer in the same way that something like Full Calendar attempts to be. It’s a sophisticated date/date range picker for representing daily availability (at the moment).

I think I didn’t explain it properly. My events will have assigned attendees (users) and I’m planning to create a separate tab with “Analytics” which will be displaying various charts based on the calendar events. I’m using the Chart Element plugin by Bubble to create my charts.

An Event would be thing with fields including date and number of attendees, yeah?
Yes, an event is a thing including title, date, and number of attendees. One complication is that event can last a few days and in my chart, I will need to display the total number of attendees for each day.

Here’s an example:

That’s what I figured. You don’t need CG Pro to do that. It’s not a charting tool, it’s an interface element with some date-related operation actions.

In terms of creating the dataset for your chart, my List Shifter plugin might be helpful. (Though Bubble’s built-in list operators may be able to yield these per-month attendee counts for you. Consult the reference for the :grouped by operator as well as whatever charting tool you’re using.)

You don’t need CG Pro to do that. It’s not a charting tool, it’s an interface element with some date-related operation actions.

I understand that. I need a calendar plugin anyway for scheduling events. The analytics part of my app will display charts based on calendar events.

Currently, I’m not able to make it work with the standard Full Calendar plugin by Bubble. I think in order to display days on X-axis and the total number of attendees to events on the Y-axis I would need to have each day as a thing in the database and then the total number of assignees assigned to the days.

CG Pro also spits out the list of dates it’s displaying and so you can of course fetch from the database the list of events that occur during that period,

CG Pro adds each day separately (as a thing) in the database?

@keith Is each calendar day saved in the database as a thing?

e.g when creating an event lasting 5 days each day will have assigned that event or this event will have a list of days (5 days).

@keith Question: Is there a way to have more ‘statuses’ than just available and blocked and display it in different colors? I’m building an app for house owners to have dates set as ‘booking pending’ for example (show in yellow). When they want to indicate that a date might be booked soon, and the owner is awaiting payment.

Or, mark holidays on a calendar. indicating that the daily rates on those specific dates are higher than usual rates (show in a different color, say orange) etc.

PS: Love your plugin, I just became a subscriber.

//edit: I read that you were working on a feature like (‘stripes’) back in April. Was that ever implemented?

Working in public dept.: Been working on re-integrating the legendary “TimeGrid” features back into Calendar Grid Pro. Not promising any ETA, but actively working on this. :tada:


Hi, I bought the plugin and I find it very useful, however I can’t quite get the behaviour I want out of it. I am making an application for booking. The host will pick the dates he wants to make the location available using multi pick, this creates a list called available dates which consists of single dates. So far so good. Then I want to display a calendar with all dates blocked out except the ones picked by the host to the potential guests.

I was able to block out all the dates before the first date and after the last date on the list, and so I had the idea of iterating over the dates before the first and the last item on the available date list and setting the dates that are not found in the list to blocked. I have not been able to find a way to do this however. Any advice on handling this would be greatly appreciated.

Hello Keith. We are building an equipment rental marketplace and I think Calendar Grid Pro will work well for our booking functions and inventory mgmt time parameters. Our model charges a single day (hour charge x24) then hourly after that for the remaining time period of the rental. Rolling the “Time Grid” functions into Calendar Grid or as a separate plugin option that plays nice with CGP would be awesome and exactly what I think we are looking for.

I can carry forward with the build using CGP functionality for the time being then roll in the time calculations at a later time when the plugin is available but we will have to have the time functionality baked into the platform before launch to the public. I know you mentioned not promising an ETA. Do you have a possible rough ballpark on timeline?