Can I Trigger a WF Action Outside of Reusable Element?

Hi all,

I have an menu element on my index page that can be shown or hidden through a WF and is accessible through multiple avenues (so cannot be inside the RE).

I have created an RE to replace multiple instances of similar elements on my page but I can no longer trigger the menu element through a WF.

Is there a way to trigger a WF on my index page from inside an RE?

Hi, you can use ā€˜Trigger a custom event from a ReusableElementā€™ if you have your workflows in the RE pass as custom events

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Another approach is to set a state on the RE, and have a ā€œwhen condition is trueā€ set to ā€œEverytimeā€ action setup on the index page to do XYZ when REā€™s state = ABC. Youā€™d then reset the state after the action is performed.

I thought of doing it this way to be honest, but as Iā€™m using the REā€™s to populate a menu, it would be a lot of checks!

I think I found a solution in added a param in the URL thatā€™s picked up by a workflow on the main page.

Thanks for the suggestion, never tried this but Iā€™ll give it a go!

Use a JavaScript to bubble element to trigger an event, and call it from within the RE.

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