Can we setup web hosting & domain reselling through Bubble?

Hi there,

I run a Web Design & Software development company which also has web hosting & domain reselling.

Before I get heavy into building a CRM quickly, is it possible to actually resell domains and manage servers through here?

Example, GoDaddy & Crazy Domains have Domain & Hosting reseller packages available which also have an API, so we are we able to link this to our CRM built in bubble and say allow users to update nameservers/DNS settings via the backend we create?

This would include creating a basic search function to search for available domains and when purchased be pushed across to GoDaddy itself?


I’ve had a quick look at the GoDaddy API docs and it seems that endpoints are available to do all of these things.

I can’t think of any reason myself as to why you wouldn’t be able to simply connect to this API and push/pull the relevant info.