Change color of text when input filed is changed?

I have a settings page on my app and a “Save” text element on the top right of the app which is grey. I would like to make that Blue once atleast one of the input fields are changed to be able to save the changes.

I can only seem to find “when element is; Pressed, Hovered, focused, etc…”

Kind regards

On the Text of Save in the conditionals you need to create an expression that references the input elements, not the text element (when element is pressed, hovered etc. are for the text element or any element you’ve selected).

Should be something like

when input value is not empty and input is not focused

You want the not focused portion because if the user is still typing and you don’t use that portion, the text will be blue…so if you incorporate the is not focused part, the user will have to of clicked outside of the input element, like most users would when they have finished typing the value.

I tried this, now the text is blue all the time? and once i click the input filed the text goes grey?

Screenshot 2023-11-16 at 08.40.19

Because the dynamic expression you created is correct…you must have done something on the input to have an initial content or something which is causing the value to always be seen has not empty.

And most definitely the text should not be becoming grey.

Yes, i have dynamic data which is Current users fullname that they can change and onece it is changed they will be able to save

Okay…so you need to add some way to compare the initial value to the current value to determine if it is changed or not…easy to use custom states for that, then create your expression around the determination if the initial value is different from the current value.

ahhh i tought there was a way to not use custom states haha…

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