Change overall timezone

Hey! Is there a way to change the overall time zone used by Bubble? So instead of using the current user’s time zone I want it to use a static time zone I use for all users. Thank you!

Timezone matters only when you display dates or you do timezone-dependant operations (eg. extract day of week). When you use ‘formatted as’ on a date or you use an operation that require timezone you have the option to choose the timezone. It can be both static or dynamic.
Of you want to use always the same you can either select it from the static list every time or save it in an option list and use a dynamic expression to select it.

Thank you for the reply! However I noticed that the only issue I’m facing is when I’m using the group by function. It won’t allow me to use a specific timezone. Do you have an approach to that?

It creates groups of things by days, but it only uses the user’s timezone. I can’t change it.

I am not aware that you can set a specific time zone which would apply to all users. If you don’t get the answer here you could drop an email to Bubble support, they are pretty good at replying.

I think that for “group by” there is no option for timezone and the current user’s timezone is used automatically.

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