Changing the "total" in a budget planner

I’m making a budget planner for attending events. You input the value for each field - ticket cost, sponsor cost etc, and it calculates the total. Since you can set an “Early Bird” ticket price, I set the State of the ticket price based on whether or not the Early Bird deadline has passed, but for the other values I just use the input. The inputs are all using auto-binding to save the costs to the database.

I’m not sure what the best way is to set the Total Cost for the Event. I want to have it saved to the Database for a start and also change immediately on the page any time one of the inputs is changed.

Seems to me the only way to do that is with a nearly identical workflow for each input that when it is changed, the Total Cost, which equals all these other fields, is Chanaged via Make Changes to a thing.

Is there an easier way to achieve this? I can see a budget planner getting quite complicated with workflows if it had too many fields.

I think you can just use an expression that calculates the total cost and will get updated automatically.

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