🔥 Classify 4: A tiny plugin that brings CSS classes and +

hey @spaceD, I agree, bubble’s responsive engine is far from perfect. It seems that we’ll have a new responsive engine in the coming months that will run on CSS flexbox and grid. which is awesome.

In the meantime, while it’s possible to customize the responsive behavior, it’s a great challenge because you have to override Bubble’s engine which is javascript based rather than css.

So I’d say you’d need to

  • do some acrobatics to find a Bubble way to achieve what you need (perhaps a vertical RG containing a nested horizontal RG). This can become a complicated and performance hungry solution to my experience

  • explore table plugin solutions (I suspect you already have)

  • build your table from scratch in an HTML element with your own responsive rules. I know we come to Bubble for the no-code solution, but if the content in the table isn’t too complex, it can be a good way to go.

  • have some script that’s triggered on window resize event and repositions/resizes the elements. Likely to require a lot of testing and adjusting, but if you manage to make it work well you somehow get the best of both world’s; a responsiveness that behave like you want + you stay in the Bubble’s world (as opposed with the previous solution) without making things overcomplicated like in the first point.

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