Clients that become users after data is in the App

Hi, first of all thanks for bubble, it is amazing.
I would like to build a like CRM app, with some users who create data and read data, the data basically is insurance clients, and the insurances each client buys ( car insurance, life insurance, etc…), each client has its personal data and some images and files as pdf for reference , and also each insurance has its data and files for reference, I believe after read almost all the documentation in Bubble I can do this with no problem in bubble.
The question here is if I can create each client as an user without the need to them sign up, because I already created those client/user, I just want to let the client know once his data and insurances are in the app that he can use it, sending him a link to the app and the proper credentials. Those client/user are not allow to modify or delete data, they just can see some of the information from themselves and the information from they own insurances, and they can upload files to their profiles too.
So basically there are two types the app users:

  • Users who create, modify, delete and read all the App data and also creates the client/user
  • Cient/user who only can read some of his own personal data and can read his insurance data, does not create himself and can only upload files to his profile data.
    I hope I am clear here, please let me know if this is possible.
    Thank you so much.

Everything you ask for should be possible. I’d look at the Data- > Privacy tab for some neat out-of-the-box roles and permissions abilities.

You likely want to use the CSV uploader also on the Data tab but under the App Data sub tab in order to create your initial data. Since you have relatively complex requirements for creating clients, I suspect you’re better off creating a page that allows you to update the elements you need.

Have fun building the app and post here if you need help along the way!

You can create an account for people using this action Then, it’s just about having the right fields on the user type so that you can categorize users by type, and the restrict which pages are seeable based on this category, restrict workflows, etc. This is done with conditions (

Privacy is more an advanced feature, I wouldn’t recommend using it at first when you’re building your app, as it makes debugging a bit harder. You should set up these rules when you’re about to launch.