Combining field lists of option sets without data loss

On a datatype, I have two fields:

  • Field 1: List of Option set A
  • Field 2: List of Option set B

There are hundreds of entries that have several items in both field 1 and field 2.

For multiple reasons, I want to simplify to having just Field 1. I’m not sure of the best way to migrate Option set A into Option set B and combine Field 2 into Field 1 with a backend workflow without losing any data for all those entries.

Essentially, I want to go from something like:

Entry: John’s Pet Store

  • Field 1: Puppies, kittens
  • Field 2: Snakes, goldfish, snails

To this:
Entry: John’s Pet Store

  • Field 1: Puppies, kittens, snakes, goldfish, snails

You can’t programmatically modify option sets. They are fixed static values. I’m afraid you would have to manually change them. The “data loss” would then entirely depend if you were able to properly manually combine field 2 to field 1.

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