Connecting a HTML File with Bubble with Capability Data Transfer


I wanted to connect a HTML File with my Bubble App, it would be like the Bubble App can Send Data to the HTML File, and the Bubble App can Recieve Data sent by the HTML File.
For Example In thunkable:

If it is possible, Please Help Someone.


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Simple put you can run JS from you app to send and receive post messages.

Though I would create a plugin so the two way communication is easier to handle and easier to integrate in your app. Run JS directly in bubble can be done via the toolbox plugin, though it can get quite messy and slow if not handled properly.

Happy to take this on if you need a plugin to be built, have built several of these in the past.


Thanks for your reply!

I mean I want it for an HTML file, I know by Creating a Custom Plugin and Putting the JS Function, ad. it would work, Can you check this Page, I am taking an Example. of Thunkable, I have to put a JS script and a few lines in it to make a connection between HTML and Thunkable, and we are good to go.
Is there any possible method similar to this?


Can you provide the page link

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