Containers with Conditions that Load Reusable Elements

Thoughts,… what if we had a group that was a container for reusable elements… that could use the same states and data passed to the container and reflect conditions. The width of the container reflected the responsive width of the element, but the height would be dynamic based off the reusable element and its data.

So for example:
if state(load1)isTrue then show (Reusable Element1)
if state(load2)isTrue then show (Reusable Element2)
if state(load2)isEmpty then show (Reusable Element3)

What is different about this then loading them into groups, would be that the container only needs to be 2 pixels high. The container itself loads the element instead of having to hold a place for the full length of the element. This would solve some design issues with short and long elements being hid and unhid.