Create stripe subscription based on the user chosen amount

Hi Folks

Is it possible to create stripe plan subscription based on the user chosen amount?

The use case is following

We want to accept donations on our website, where the donor can choose a monthly amount to donate, which the recurs monthly.


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I am looking to do the same thing. Did you ever figure this out?

Just make those options? (Different subs with differing monthly amounts?)

It needs to have an option for them to put in the amount they want to donate.

Not easy (though can be done) to do. Just limit folks. 15 vs 20 … 20 vs 50… OR… something else. It’s no deal breaker. Test it.

I think i figured it out. I made both monthly and yearly plans as a $1 each, then depending on what the person chooses to donate it multiplies it by that amount. It seems to work just fine. Just not allowing cents at the moment so i don’t have to worry about that choice.

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Can someone help ? Please I’m stuck since 1 week.
No way to find a solution.

I have this error message

Offcourse you can, you will need to create a subscription with that amount and then shbscribe the user to that subscription.

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