Creating a data field dynamically

Hey there :slight_smile: Nice ideas @romanmg Gaby (as usual!)…

So here’s an idea:
So we have our tables in our Databases. We can’t really dynamically name the tables right? How about this?
Imagine we are a moving company and we have 10 boxes of different sizes. The ONLY identifier on the OUTside the boxes is a number. The person in charge writes down on a clipboard, all the things that get packed into which boxes… (Clipboard-o-items = Index card)
So Try running your DB that way. Just make several tables. Call them amazing names like, Table #1, Table #2, and my personal fav: Table #3. Throw whatever content you’d like in there… Oh yeah, You’d also need a Table el numero Zero. In it, you’d write Field 1: Type of content, Field 2: Parameter 1, Field 3: Parameter 2… yada yada yada…

This way, you have a fancy index. It says which types of things populate which boxes. Oh yeah, and in each ITEM of your Table Zero, you have your field labels.

There’s already an achingly elegant execution of this concept at my lil school… A robot with access to thousands of blank boxes (just like our plainly numbered database tables)… organizing the books at a library on my campus.

Here’s where I got this idea: (Please don’t read this… I talk too much! haha) There are many more ways to configure data with this flexible concept. (Props to the robot at my school library that lives in a HUGE hole in the ground where library books are simply thrown willy nilly into a container, completely unsorted, n the bot tracks the location of everything. This way, the BOXES (ie. Table Titles in our situation) remain static, while the content is packed 'n tracked in a shiny index somewhere in Bertha’s brain. The library bot doesn’t have a name, but that doesn’t seem very kind now does it?)

Only Library Robot in Canada!
