Creating Sample Data

Hello everyone,

My users are requesting sample data to guide them upon their first log-in. To accomplish this, I need to create a data type named “Project” and at least 16 other data types, each with their respective fields. Examples include “Diagnostics,” “Data Mappings,” and “ROPAs.”

I’m not sure whether I could go having sample data tables that are public visible or if copying a list of data would be efficient for this purpose (since I would need to populate at least one row in each of these 16 tables).

I thought about making a step by step like the one bellow (that I use to demonstrate how much data I would need to create) in API workflow, but as @petrovic.teodor pointed ou, it gave poor performance (took too long to create all these things):

I’ve come across a suggestion from @gaimed to use an account field for creating privacy rules:

However, I’m don’t know how to implement this.

Could anyone provide suggestions on the best approach to achieve this?


Hi @avintobr,

I don’t think you need to go too in depth. When I create my apps for prototypes or to showcase demo data, you just create the linked data types first (from within your Projects), then create your project, and attach those linked data types you created previously. Once that’s done, your project should have the Diagnostics, Data Mappings, and ROPA’s. Add that project to that user and you should be good.

This of course wrapped either in a Custom Event or a Backend Workflow is the way to go about it, so you can reuse, modify or view the logic much easier.

Hi @GH5T, thank you for your response!

To clarify, are you suggesting that I should schedule an API workflow to create a data type called “Project,” and manually handle the creation and linking of all related data types on the backend? Of course, I would structure the workflow once, but I’m concerned about the potential complexities in managing these relationships and the volume of data involved, including diagnostics and sample responses.

Yes, you can have the users that want the demo data to click a button to fill it. A manual option should be available, no? In the past, when an app wants me to fill demo data, they allow me to choose the type of data ideally with a drop-down or just use a blank slate. Would that be something up your alley?

If you don’t want a manual option, then just schedule the workflow on user creation

EDIT: I realized yes you want to “Schedule a workflow” at current date/time - mind fart :slight_smile:

Okay, so I’m not sure I’m making myself clear.
Ideally, I want the workflow to automatically generate sample data when a user creates an account. Here’s the setup: When users create their account, they should also create a “Project” which in turn (normally, when the user does this step by step with their data) creates a “Company”, “Contact Information”, and a list of pre-populated “Tasks”. As they use the platform, within each “Project”, they can create “Diagnostics” that link to other data types such as “Questions”. For each “Diagnostic”, I’d like to include at least one sample answer, with additional data types like “Recorded Answers”.

This isn’t just about offering users demo data from a dropdown menu on specific fields; it’s about creating a complete project (specifically, a privacy compliance project in this instance) that users can reference to build their own projects.

Right, so create the sub data types first, then attach those to a new project. You can prefill those sub-datatype and prefill your project information. Once that’s done, attach that project to the user. You can create this workflow as a backend workflow, and when the user creates an account, run it at Current date/time.

It worked, thank you so much for your time and help @GH5T :smiley:

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Of course. Glad I could help.

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