Hey, this may be a user error, but I am really struggling, I have a shift Calander and clock in/out system. On my admin page I have a repeating group showing all shifts that have been completed. My issue is 2-fold. I only want it to show the shifts for the current fortnight, and I need to be able to download those shifts to CSV.
I have tried all the plugins, asked chat GPT, Copilot. Looked at the examples online but it is just not working. The file will need to look up items such as names, start date and time, end date and time. I have tried “do a search for” and “repeating groups shift Calander” see screenshots. I only grabbed the first bit of information that I need for test purposes.
You should use data in JSON format as the input of the workflow you are trying to use. (What you are showing wouldnt result in a properly JSON)
Learn a little bit of JSON and do some test with static data first.