CSV Tabular Creation

I have a data type called Responses and in that data are three linked fields: QuestionText (a question asked); Persona (the person responding the question); and, ResponseText (the response given by the person to a question).

I need to parse this data into a csv file. The total number of columns will vary from use to use because no project will have the same number of questions.

The format should look like this at the end:

Persona | Question 1 | Question 2 | … | Question n

Name1 | N1Response | N1Response | … | N1Response

Name 2 |N2Response| N2Response | … | N2Response


Name n |NnResponse| NnResponse | … | NnResponse

Native download CSV doesn’t do that. I can’t tell if CSV Creator will. There’s no real documentation and the one video I found does not play.


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